Bhangra dancing

Image of Bhangra dancing

We have been learning all about Diwali and what Hindu's do to celebrate this occasion. As part of our topic, the children learned some Bhangra dancing. It was lovely to watch their enthusiasm and enjoyment. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 9 November 2020

Category: Ducklings


Using Funky Fingers to explore shapes

Image of Using Funky Fingers to explore shapes

This weeks we are using our pincer grip to move objects to decorate shapes, along with counting sides and names shapes., 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 9 November 2020

Category: Ducklings


Bonfire night safety with Little Ted

Image of Bonfire night safety with Little Ted

The children have been learning all about how to stay safe on Bonfire Night. They are taking the rules very seriously and I'm sure they will be able to tell you all about it at home. 

When we learned that Little Ted had injured his arm with a firework. He wrote a letter asking the children to…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 5 November 2020

Category: Ducklings


Outdoor Learning Day

Image of Outdoor Learning Day

As part of our outdoor learning we investigated which 3D shapes can roll. We talked about why some shapes can't roll and why some can. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 5 November 2020

Category: Ducklings


We're going on a shape hunt!

Image of We're going on a shape hunt!

For our outside learning this week, the children have been working in groups to investigate 3D shapes in our garden area. It was amazing how many shapes the children discovered and how confidently they are learning and applying the names of shapes.

Ayrton said 'Look, the shed roof is a…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 5 November 2020

Category: Ducklings


Sorting 2D shapes

Image of Sorting 2D shapes

In Maths this week we are sorting 2D and 3D shapes according to their properties. The children have been learning and using mathematical language like sides, faces, corners, etc. We have been sorting shapes as a whole class and during independent activities. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 5 November 2020

Category: Ducklings


Communication in Maths

Image of Communication in Maths

In our practical, whole class Maths sessions this week we have been working in teams to place ourselves in height order. Activities such as these are an excellent way to promote communication and language skills, team building and nurture leadership roles. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 15 October 2020

Category: Ducklings


Learning mathematical language

Image of Learning mathematical language

This week we have been learning and applying mathematical language to describe size and compare, such as bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, taller, wider and thinner. The children have been using these words to order Autumn objects according to size. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 15 October 2020

Category: Ducklings


Prickly Hedgehogs

Image of Prickly Hedgehogs

We have been play dough and, using our strong funky fingers, pushing matchsticks in the play dough to make the prickles on the hedgehogs back. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 14 October 2020

Category: Ducklings


Writing letters and sounds everywhere

Image of Writing letters and sounds everywhere

We find opportunities to write our numbers and letters everywhere! It is great to see how enthusiastic the children are how they embrace challenges. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 13 October 2020

Category: Ducklings


Celebrating our achievements

Image of Celebrating our achievements

In Ducklings we love to share our hobbies and interests outside of school. We know a lot of children dance, swim, play football and have many other active hobbies and we love to hear about and share in our achievements. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 13 October 2020

Category: Ducklings


Exploring touch outdoors

Image of Exploring touch outdoors

This week the children have been collecting a variety of materials outdoors and sorting it according to how it feels. We have been so impressed with the range of vocabulary the children have used. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:19 on 7 October 2020

Category: Ducklings