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Owls solve Maths Problems
On Friday 17th January in Owls we solved many problems around our jumping challenge.
Herons are investigating symmetry in shape. Here are some of the activities we have been doing.
Where do the apostrophises go in a contracted word? How many letters do we miss out? Which words have been joined together? These are all questions we investigated today.
Tricky word throwing
We practised our tricky words by throwing the bean bag onto the squares and shouting out the word it landed on.
We investigated plurals today. Everyone found out about different ways of turning. Noun into a plural. Can you see the different ways we investigated?
Sports Personality of the day
We worked really hard in our PE Lesson today. William. Alice. Ava and Ava Mae recieved the award for "Sports Personality" of the day for thei never give up attitude. Well done everyone!.
* Doves' and Kestrel's Problem Solving Day
On Friday the Doves and Kestrels had an exciting carousel of Maths’ problem solving activities. The two classes were split in to four groups and each group completed; a co-ordinates challenge, a Roman Numerals challenge with bingo, a Shape challenge and an estimating and measuring the area and perimeter of the playground challenge. All the children thoroughly enjoyed the activities and learnt a plethora of new skills in the process.
*Environment Club Activity
The children in the Environment Club made a great start to their activities this week by creating a map of the school using natural resources. As well as this they also planned activities that they would like to do over the coming year. These activities include; roasting marshmellows on a camp fire.
Parrots Make Shredded Wheat Nests
The children made nests for the robin in ’The Secret Garden’ as an activity for our mathematics problem solving day. They used weighing scales to measure the quantities of the ingredients needed. They were very tasty!!