Image of Outdoor Challenges

Outdoor Challenges

Outside today we performed lots of outdoor physical challenges. We choose a card and performed the challenge on each card. Sometimes it needed a partner and sometimes all by ourselves.

Image of "Owls Open Afternoon Autumn 1"

"Owls Open Afternoon Autumn 1"

On the last day of Autumn Term 1, Owls performed a range of gymnastics skills for their grown up visitors. They performed balances, rolls, jumps and travels. What skills can you spot? What is your favourite gymnastics skill to perform?

Image of Ducklings Autumn Open Afternoon

Ducklings Autumn Open Afternoon

A big thank you to all family members, carers and friends who came to join in with our open afternoon! We had a lot of fun and the children very much enjoyed showing you around and learning with you!

Image of Jumping


In PE this week we were learning how to jump and land safely off a bench and onto a mat. Have a look at how we got on.

Image of Balances


We have been learning how to balance on different parts of our body. Can you balance on one foot, two feet, one hand and one foot, or two hands and two feet? Can you make your balance different each time? Have a go at home.

Image of Doves learn all about how to deal with friendship issues and bullying

Doves learn all about how to deal with friendship issues and bullying

This week in the Doves’ Class, we have created a fictional character who we called ’Chloe’. We have begun to explore possible friendship problems that Chloe may have, problems that all children this age may face. The children thought carefully about the problems that ’Chloe’ was facing and were able to empathise with her situation and understand how she and others might be feeling. The children in Doves were able to problem solve ’Chloe’s’ situation and each group created a role play to tackle these problems effectively. Fantastic work Doves. I wonder what problems ’Chloe’ may face next week. Do you think you can help?

Image of Owls Electrical Circuits

Owls Electrical Circuits

In our science lesson we acted like human electrical circuits. We made sure we had a bulb, a battery and wires. We then went inside to test complete and incomplete circuits.

Image of Tyre Rolling

Tyre Rolling

The ducklings rolled tyres around the field to develop their gross motor skills.