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Owls Outdoor Adventure Activities
In PE we are learning OAA. Our aims are to trust, commit and work as a team. So far we have created letters and words with our bodies. Can you guess what we are spelling? We have created trails for other teams to follow and remember. In Owls we enjoy being active outdoors!
*Doves' Science Week Investigations
This week Doves have had a fabulous time completing Science Investigations for Science Week. Firstly, we investigated how to make Boogie Gloop. The children predicted how to make the gloop dance and had lots of fun creating this wonderful mixture of cornflour and water. This mixture went through many states of matter, from solid, to liquid and back to solid again. The children even added food colouring to see how this changed their mixture. Secondly, the children predicted how chocolate would change if it was heated up. They explored melting chocolate and saw how, with heat, it transformed from a solid to a liquid. We thought they may as well put the melted chocolate to good use and make Rice Krispie cakes too!! Yum Yum.This also showed how the chocolate then transformed to a solid again. Finally, the children were presented with a problem about which is the best material to make a £5 note with, as sometimes people’s money can be ruined when they are left in their pocket and then put in to the washing machine. The children predicted and designed their own £5 note (on a variety of different materials) and then put them to the test by washing them in a bowl of soapy warm water. We then hung them out to dry to see the results. All the children worked extremely hard to make all of these investigations fair tests. They also created questions, predictions, methods, results and conclusions. Well done Doves!