Image of Hawks' Home Learning Week 2

Hawks' Home Learning Week 2

Some excellent activities and challenges for week 2 of home learning.

Image of Falcons' Update 31.03.20

Falcons' Update 31.03.20

We have more fabulous Falcon Updates from Matthew, Sam and Olivia: Matthew has made his own Minecraft Steve when we did art, he made a circuit that powered a fan and then a lightbulb, he made a working radio, he started a newspaper for grandparents, we've kept a scrapbook of we've been doing and we've been practicing times tables and telling the time. These all sound fantastic Matthew, well done!! Sam has been busy planting tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, peas and beetroots. Here is a picture of his tomato plant and my cactus. You have been busy Sam, well done to you. Olivia has measured objects in her living room and then drawn a bird's eye view to a 1:20 scale, researched about daffodils and then drawn a picture of one and of course the body coach session at 9am! Sounds like you are having fun Olivia. Keep up the great work everybody and keep the updates coming in. It's wonderful to stay in touch and hear about all of your fantastic activities.

Image of Ducklings are being creative at home

Ducklings are being creative at home

The Ducklings have been keeping busy baking, painting, drawing and model making. Keep sending us photos of your creations!

Image of Ducklings are reading at home

Ducklings are reading at home

Our Ducklings have been enjoying and continuing with their reading at home by reading books at home, reading comics, playing reading games and phonics games. Keep reading! You are amazing!

Image of Ducklings are amazing writers at home

Ducklings are amazing writers at home

The Ducklings have been keeping up their writing skills each week by writing their news, lists, instructions, menus, letters and cards! Amazing! Keep going!

Image of Ducklings doing PE at home

Ducklings doing PE at home

The Ducklings are still enjoying doing PE at home! Well done, keep it up! It's lovely to see.

Image of Ducklings Paint Rainbows

Ducklings Paint Rainbows

Our little Ducklings are all enjoying painting rainbows and displaying them in their windows in support of the NHS and other key workers. It is lovely to see and I'm sure it brings a smile to passers by on their way to work. It is lovely to see that all of our children are adapting to learning in new and different ways at this present time. Remember to give a round of applause or even better bang pots and pans (like my noisy children did!!) in support of all the NHS key workers every Thursday at 8pm.

Image of Falcons' Weekly Update

Falcons' Weekly Update

Thank you so much to Harry, Zara and Abbie for getting in touch. It is lovely to hear about all of the fun activities you have been doing but most of all it's wonderful to hear about all of the quality family time spent together completing educational activities. Harry has been playing Scrabble with his family and was proud to be the winner!!!! Well done Harry - a big horray from the Falcons here!! Keep up the fabulous actvities. Zara has joined Maths Factor (Carol Voderman) and does daily maths. She has been busy studying poetry - alliteration and also did some comprehension on 'The Boy'. Mainly though she has had fun with science, made plant and animal cells. Designed a cardboard boat to hold 3 1/2 kilos of weight plus monkey! Then made a rainbow! This is wonderful Zara, so glad to hear you are doing so much!! Abbie has sent through on email attachments some of the work she has been doing (well done)!! She has been very busy and has completed most of the work on the Home Learning sheet and she has been getting fit with Joe Wicks everyday!! This is a fabulous picture of Abbie and her sister completing an obstacle course. Well done!! Thank you so much and we can't wait to hear about what other Falcons have been getting up to.