Image of Hawks learn at home-week 5 and 6

Hawks learn at home-week 5 and 6

Look at the fabulous learning from home!

Image of Week 7 More Falcons Fab Work

Week 7 More Falcons Fab Work

Charlotte has researched and drawn the life cycle of a frog. Thought you'd like to see. also done loads of war work. We are having a street party on Friday to celebrate VE day. We have also had a wonderful gas mask made and they have also learnt their name using the phonetic alphabet and I they have taught their brother whilst using walkie talkies. They also did a code for their family to crack. It read I love you to the moon and back. They have also done some maths lessons on white rose and had a go at the activity sheets. This afternoon they are preparing for VE day. We are making bunting. Wonderful to hear from you all and I hope you enjoy the VE day celebrations. Speak soon and stay safe everybody. Mrs Harding

Image of Ducklings keep learning

Ducklings keep learning

These Ducklings have been busy sharing as part of their mathematics, keeping active by running and using racquets, carrying out science experiments, reading together, creating their own snack shops with prices andreal money, making their own creative snacks and researching about topics that interest them. Amazing learning! Well done!

Image of Week 7 Fabulous Falcons Work

Week 7 Fabulous Falcons Work

The children in Falcons have been doing some great work and it is lovely to see that they are working so hard and producing fabulous work despite this lockdown: We have enjoyed another week of homeschooling. I've attached a photo of us baking chocolate biscuits that we chose from the ration recipes - they were really tasty! I've also attached a photo of our poster. Last night we took part in the camp at home challenge set by Northumberland Scouts to try & break a world record. We enjoyed toasting marshmallows over tealight!. We also loved watching the two videos that Carleton Green staff have put together- it put a smile on our faces.

Image of Herons home learning

Herons home learning

Thank you for sending me pictures of all your fantastic home learning that you have been doing. I love reading all the emails and looking at your pictures to see what you have been up to. Keep them coming :) Miss Wilson x