Image of Week 6 More Falcons Fab Work

Week 6 More Falcons Fab Work

Lily has been learning all about World War 2 medals and made these very realistic examples. Well done Lily they look great.

Image of Ducklings at Home

Ducklings at Home

The Ducklings continue to be super stars with all of their learning at home. Over the last few weeks they have been finding out all about St George. Some of them have made brilliant shields, flags and dragons.

Image of Week 6 More Falcons Fab Work

Week 6 More Falcons Fab Work

Thank you so much to Olivia and Emily for sharing their great pictures of them baking a 1940's World War 2 recipe. I must admit the biscuits look delicious, I hope they tasted as good as they looked. Thank you for sharing.

Image of Week 6 Falcons Fab Work

Week 6 Falcons Fab Work

Sam has been busy looking at animal life cycles for science this week. How amazing that he has his own real life example in his garden. Sam has been busy researching and recording information about the life cycle of a frog and is currently observing how the frog begins as a tadpole and makes the transition to being a frog. Amazing, thank you Sam.

Image of More super learning from the Ducklings

More super learning from the Ducklings

The Ducklings have been doing some fantastic learning at home. They have been busy reading, practising their phonics, writing, counting, keeping active and creating and making things. We love seeing all of your amazing learning and how you are keeping yourselves busy! Keep sending them in! 

Image of Ducklings keep busy

Ducklings keep busy

The Ducklings are doing some fantastic learning at home. They have been doing all sorts, such as practising doing up their own tie, finding out about the life cycle of a chicken, making nests out of natural materials, exercising in lots of different ways, camping outside and writing for lots of different purposes.

Image of Ducklings keep busy

Ducklings keep busy

The Ducklings are doing some fantastic learning at home. They have been doing all sorts, such as practising doing up their own tie, finding out about the life cycle of a chicken, making nests out of natural materials, exercising in lots of different ways, camping outside and writing for lots of different purposes.

Image of Week 6 Falcons Update

Week 6 Falcons Update

Thank you so much to Zara and her family for sending in these wonderful pictures of her completing a Spit fire plane inspired by the World War 2 topic she is enjoying. Olivia has been working so hard and completed excellent activities - thank you so much Olivia. It is so lovely to hear from you all.

Image of Falcons Activities Week 5

Falcons Activities Week 5

A big thank you to Harry, Lily and Sam for sending their pictures in: Harry has made a fantastic Lego car - well done you looks very complicated to make it must have taken you hours. Lily has produced a wonderful self esteem spidergram. Wonderful ideas Lily and glad to hear you enjoying learning with your mum. Sam has been revisiting his Roman learning and has made a fire to cook on (with adult supervision only of course). It is wonderful to hear from you all and stay safe all of you.