Image of Herons home learning

Herons home learning

Thank you to Amelia, Isla and Blake for sending me pictures and videos of all the exciting things they have been doing at home.

Image of Week 8 More Falcons Update

Week 8 More Falcons Update

Thank you so much for your wonderful messages and photos: I have been making a timeline this morning. I'm going to do the other half tomorrow. We also made a den outside and pretended it was an Anderson shelter. We even made a radio and a gas mask. I'm in the middle of making a model of an Anderson shelter. Picture to follow. Stay safe Lily. Samuel has really engaged with the Education city app, which has really helped to motivate him. He has also done the division lesson you set this week as well as all the p.e and mindfulness he can fit in. He finished his frog which is now protecting our crop of beetroot, no signs of legs yet on the school tadpoles! Charlotte has been working really hard on her home learning. Thank you so much for your wonderful emails and photos. Hope to see you soon

Image of Measuring up

Measuring up

Ducklings have been busy measuring as part of their home learning. Erin has also been creative too and learnt about her 5 senses.

Image of Week 8 Falcons Update

Week 8 Falcons Update

Harry has been very busy with: Zoom karate lesson VE day in the garden- we also paid our respects with a 2 minute silence Cake baking and decorating Horrendous scones!!! (I bet they were lovely really hehe) I wanted to let you know how Ada’s home learning is going on so far. We have been using Oak National Academy website, White Rose, BBC Bitesize and Twinkl; beside that one of my friend does Zoom maths lessons for close friends children. So Ada has been doing that 2 times a week for 45min. She likes it! We did follow your weekly plan. Ada did research about WW2 facts and about Churchill then took some notes. She did some Science and Art. Reading and writing in her own words. She is reading lots of different David Williams book at the minute. She seems a bit comfortable with maths which makes me proud. We do fun stuff too. We have been doing bike rides nearly everyday. Walks in the field. Lots of baking which she joined and helped me with. We did crafty things and you know Ada’s favourite bit! It is wonderful to hear from you both. Missing you all. Hope to see you soon.

Image of Even More VE Day Celebrations from Falcons

Even More VE Day Celebrations from Falcons

We had a fantastic VE day. We had a street party with our neighbours. We put our bunting and baked a cake. At 3pm we had a toast and one of our neighbours (a war veteran aged 96) came in to the middle of the street. We all clapped for him. On VE day (75 years ago) he was travelling up the Rhine to defeat the Germans. It was such a lovely day Charlotte We have had an enjoyable week preparing for our VE day street party, the weather was perfect! We enjoyed celebrating with our neighbours on our street, sharing food, listening to music - it was a wonderful afternoon. Zara has also been busy using up the scrap felt pieces, she has nearly finished her cushion. Have a lovely week. Thank you for these wonderful messages and pictures. Hope to see you soon.

Image of Super star learning from the Ducklings

Super star learning from the Ducklings

The Ducklings continue to do lots of super learning from the safety of their homes. They have been busy learning to balance on their bikes, baking, practising recognising different phonemes and tricky words, exploring different ways to double a number, matching numerals to an amount and ordering numbers,exercising, dancing, reading words and sentences independently, finding out all about and celebrating special days, researching about life cycles and keeping their writing improving! Wow!!! Very well done. Keep sending your home learning in by email to your class teacher. We love to see it and share it! Mrs Catterall plans to try a zoom meeting with the Yellow Ducklings later on this week too! Please look on the Home School Learning page for more information about this. Keep up the good work, stay safe and hopefully see you all very soon.

Image of More VE Day Celebrations from Falcons

More VE Day Celebrations from Falcons

I can see from these wonderful pictures how busy you have been creating a gorgeous VE day poster and baking delicious scones. I loved you video of you playing the keyboard - something you will have to share with us when we finally return to school. Stay safe and see you soon.

Image of VE Day from Falcons

VE Day from Falcons

We had a fun afternoon in the garden yesterday with our neighbours. We did some dancing and we had our paddling pools out. At the end we had a water fight in the street but we didn’t get any pictures of that as we had put our phones safely inside! Hope you had fun.