Image of Fantastic World War 2 Art

Fantastic World War 2 Art

Thank you so much to Oliver Walsh for sending in his World War 2 Art, all about the Blitz. I think the colours you have chosen are really striking and it is a fabulous piece of art. Well done.

Image of Falcons Fabulous Work

Falcons Fabulous Work

Well done to Harry and Zara for your continued hard work and wonderful photos.

Image of Amelia and Freddie

Amelia and Freddie

This week's Home Learning Superstars.

Image of Herons home learning

Herons home learning

Amelia and Freddie

Image of Super sunflowers work

Super sunflowers work

Here is some more lovely work all about sunflowers. Ben and Blake have used beautiful cursive handwriting to label their paintings! well done!

Image of Tremendous Tadpoles

Tremendous Tadpoles

Thank you so much for sending this wonderful picture in of your tadpoles. I hear they are growing fast, one even grew arms and legs over night. They are very hungry and are eating lots to help them grow. Thank you so much and keep us updated.

Image of Excellent Home Learning from Ducklings

Excellent Home Learning from Ducklings

Look at Ollie's amazing home learning all about sunflowers! He looks very smart in his school uniform too, as he has been busy making his 'TopTips for Starting School' Video, to help our new Ducklings that will be starting next year. Amazing work and we love your sunflower writing all about your best friend Teddy.