Image of Wonderful Home Learning Lily!!

Wonderful Home Learning Lily!!

Lily has worked hard to create a wonderful picture using natural resources and some wonderful habitats work. Well done Lily for your continued hard work - I have enjoyed seeing your work.

Image of Oliver's fantastic  World War 2 Art and writing

Oliver's fantastic World War 2 Art and writing

Ollie has completed some lovely writing and produced a fantastic picture all about evacuees during World War 2. You have put lots of time and effort in to this and your hand writing and artwork is beautiful. Well done.

Image of Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

This week in school and at home the Ducklings have continued their learning all about healthy eating. Look at the lovely work some of our Ducklings have been doing at home - making fruit salads, cutting and preparing fruit carefully with tools, weighing different fruits and vegetables and sorting healthy and unhealthy foods. Well done and keep up the great work!

Image of Lily's Fantastic Art

Lily's Fantastic Art

As part of our home learning this week, Lily has drawn a wonderful picture of an evacuee. Well done Lily, I love the detail you have included and the colours you have used.

Image of More Fantastic Falcons World War 2 Art

More Fantastic Falcons World War 2 Art

Olivia has worked extremely hard and produced a wonderful piece of World War 2 inspired art about the Blitz. Well done Olivia - the colours you have chosen look really effective. It is a wonderful piece and I am very proud of you.

Image of Learning both at Home and School for our Ducklings

Learning both at Home and School for our Ducklings

Our Ducklings are in school for two days each week and so are still continuing with their home learning too. It has been lovely to have the children back in school and see the amazing efforts continued at home too. Learning to tell the time and order time vocabulary, practising their phonics and reading, playing the bean game, writing about eating healthily, listing their favourite foods and foods they don't like and writing about their amazing Dads. Some children have also started the reading challenge too! Wow!!! Keep up the great work! Well done!

Image of Wonderful Falcons Art

Wonderful Falcons Art

A huge well done to this young man who has completed a fantastic piece of World War 2 inspired art.