Image of Parrots learnt: How To Catch A Star Story using actions

Parrots learnt: How To Catch A Star Story using actions

The children in Parrots have learnt the story sequence to: How to Catch a Star using actions to help them remember each key event. Well done everyone.

Image of Ducklings and PE

Ducklings and PE

The Ducklings had another lovely PE lesson yesterday, out in the sun. They got fully changed into their PE kits for the first time. Don't they look smart? They practised following instructions carefully, explored moving in different ways and to be mindful of the spaces around them.

Image of Parrots' Roald Dahl Day

Parrots' Roald Dahl Day

The children in Parrots had a wonderful Roald Dahl day. We predicted what different Roald Dahl stories were about and then listened to different snippets before voting on our favourite and writing about why the beginning of this book would make us want to read on.

Image of All very settled

All very settled

The Ducklings have all had another lovely week at school and are very settled.

Image of Parrots Class Zoom with Alistair Parker

Parrots Class Zoom with Alistair Parker

The children thoroughly enjoyed their zoom meeting with the artist Alistair Parker. He shared his artwork and discussed how he became and artist and how he creates his wonderful work. The children were amazed by his presentation and have thoroughly enjoyed recreating his artwork in class.

Image of Parrots Active Maths

Parrots Active Maths

The Year 1 children in Parrots today have enjoyed some active Maths and outdoor learning.

Image of Making new friends and having fun

Making new friends and having fun

The Ducklings have continued to have fun making new friends, sharing and playing nicely together in their first week at school. We are very proud of them all.

Image of Enjoying our lunches

Enjoying our lunches

We are enjoying our school lunches.