Photo Galleries
Parrots' Maths Investigation
The children in Parrots have been learning about the place value of numbers as well as their number bonds to 10 and 100. Today the children took part in a Maths investigation where they created their own numbers and then found 1 more, 1 less as well as 10 more and 10 less. They all worked hard whilst having lots of fun - well done Parrots.
Parrots' Fundamental Skills (Rolling)
The children in Parrots have all been taking part in PE and developing their Fundamental Skills. This week the focus has been rolling and they have all participated really well and are beginning to develop this skill alongside their competitiveness for scoring points. Well done Parrots.
Parrots Science Investigation
The children in Parrots were all scientists yesterday. Poor Teddy had a hole in his umbrella and we needed to find which would be the best material to fix it. So all of the children conducted an investigation to test whether fabric, paper, tissue or plastic would be the best material to fix Teddy's leaky umbrella. The children all made predictions at the beginning of the investigation. We all discussed and decided what a fair test is and how this is important to our results. We then completed the investigation and wrote a conclusion to say which material was the best. Ask your child and see if they can tell you which material was the best one to fix Teddy's umbrella.
Falcons pledges of kindness
To recognise World Mental Health Day which was on the 10th October, we have been talking about what we can do to help. So we have decided to pledge 30 acts of kindness to spread joy and kindness to anybody who may need it. Have a look at our pledges.
Parrots' compared their voice to musical instruments.
Today in music the children in Parrots sang a song just using their own beautiful voices and then they compared this sound to various musical instruments. Well done Parrots.
Parrots' Outdoor Learning with Mrs Hicks
Today the first group of children in Parrots worked with Mrs Hicks. They behaved wonderfully and thoroughly enjoyed planting seeds in self-made paper pots - which were very effective and excellent for our environment. Well done children you did great!!
Parrots' Art linked to Geography
The children in Parrots learnt all about the different flags for the United Kingdom. They learnt where these countries are located on a map of the UK along with which flags belong to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Then the children used various different art techniques and re-created the flags using collage, painting, pastels and pointillism. They produced excellent pieces of art - well done Parrots.