Thank you so much to Harry, Zara and Abbie for getting in touch. It is lovely to hear about all of the fun activities you have been doing but most of all it's wonderful to hear about all of the quality family time spent together completing educational activities. Harry has been playing Scrabble with his family and was proud to be the winner!!!! Well done Harry - a big horray from the Falcons here!! Keep up the fabulous actvities. Zara has joined Maths Factor (Carol Voderman) and does daily maths. She has been busy studying poetry - alliteration and also did some comprehension on 'The Boy'. Mainly though she has had fun with science, made plant and animal cells. Designed a cardboard boat to hold 3 1/2 kilos of weight plus monkey! Then made a rainbow! This is wonderful Zara, so glad to hear you are doing so much!! Abbie has sent through on email attachments some of the work she has been doing (well done)!! She has been very busy and has completed most of the work on the Home Learning sheet and she has been getting fit with Joe Wicks everyday!! This is a fabulous picture of Abbie and her sister completing an obstacle course. Well done!! Thank you so much and we can't wait to hear about what other Falcons have been getting up to.