Image of Year 5 and 6 Lancashire Museum Pictures

Year 5 and 6 Lancashire Museum Pictures

Mrs Crooks Group’s pictures. We all had such a fantastic day!!

Image of Year 5 and 6 WW2 Visit to Lancashire Museum

Year 5 and 6 WW2 Visit to Lancashire Museum

We all had such a fantastic day at Lancashire Museum, where the learning about WW2 really came to life. Look at our Blog for more information.

Image of Anti - Bullying Week!!

Anti - Bullying Week!!

Today in Falcons, we created a fictional character called Jo and discussed the consequences of bullying through this character. The children all got in to role and explored the issues and dilemmas that this character might face. We also discussed certain (not so nice) behaviours that some people show and what possible feelings they may have. We compared this to the metaphorical ideas that their behaviours were the tip of the ice berg (that everyone could see) but their feelings are hidden in the sea and are not so obviously seen or understood by others. The children created exceptional role plays where they were able to explore, in depth, the possible outcomes of telling an adult and not telling an adult if they were being bullied. It was clear at the end of the lesson that it is always vitally important to tell an adult that they trust if ever they experience such difficulties.

Image of Environment Club - Feed the birds and animals this winter.

Environment Club - Feed the birds and animals this winter.

This week’s Environment Club focused on looking after our animals and birds this winter time. All the children who attended the club made a bird and animal feed, they camouflaged it with leaves and then placed it around our school field, so that animals and birds have a good food source this winter time. We have a few eager volunteers who will be responsible for refilling the bird and animals feeds, so that Carleton Green’s wildlife can rely on this food during the winter. Have a look and see if you can spot any.

Image of Celebrating Diwali

Celebrating Diwali

We had a lovely day celebrating the Hindu festival of light, Diwali. We made diva lamps and lanterns, wrote messages in Diwali cards, made mendhi and rangoli patterns and listened to a story about Rama and Sita. We were also very lucky to have a visit from Mrs Shanbhag and her son to talk to us about how they celebrate Diwali in their family. Some of us were able to try on some traditional clothes and they all took home the kind gift of some sweets.

Image of Dodge Skills

Dodge Skills

KS1 practised their dodging skills today. We played tig, dodge catch and dodge the beanbag. Some of us found it difficult to jump from one foot to another and keep our balance. Have a go at home,

Image of EYFS Firework Dance

EYFS Firework Dance

We have filmed our dance today. We had a great time: spinning, jumping and twirling. Why not get them to demonstrate it to you?

Image of Falcons creating moves to World War 2 imagery.

Falcons creating moves to World War 2 imagery.

Today the Falcons were creating a dance which was inspired by imagery from World War 2.