Photo Galleries
Year 6 PGL fun
We all had such a fantastic time at PGL this year. The Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed their camping experience and challenged themselves to achieve their full potential. The sun was shining (most of the time) and their was an abundance of fun and laughter!!
Year 5 children are PE Teachers!
This week the children in Year 5 have became PE teachers. On Monday the children in Year 5 got themselves into teams. In their teams they had to create a lesson plan as an aid to help them teach a PE lesson to Year 1 and Year 2 children. The lesson had to involve ball skills. This had to be based on the skills the children have been learning in PE. This could of included; throwing, catching, aiming, target hitting and running. They had to include: warm up and stretches, skill elements, mini-games and a game/match with a cool down at the end. The teams worked together planning their lesson together. They had to think about; teams, equipment, health and saftey and other elements to their lesson. On Tuesday Year 5 taught Year 2 and on Wednesday Year 5 taught Year 1. The Year 5 children showed lots of Carleton Code stamps which included being nuturing, trustworthy, energetic, responsible and being reliable. Well done Year 5 you should be very proud of your-selves. Year 1 and Year 2 children listened well, followed instructions and developed their ball skills! An excellent week of PE shown by all the children!
Got To Dance 2015
On Wednesday 1st July 2015, we held our annual Got To Dance competition. It was a fantastic evening and the children were stunning. This year we had 55 children in school auditioning who were just brilliant! In the final we had 14 acts with a mix of solo artists and pairs. There was a hug mix of genres including; ballet, contempory, free-style and street dance. The children performed to their full potential and the judges deliberated and eventually came to a decision. Well done to all of the children who performed in the final. The Fun Factor Award was awarded to Callum Woolford and Jack Mercer. The Creative Award was awarded to Harry Lowe. In 3rd place we had Nyah Aspden and Bethany Bradford, in 2nd place was Emily Frith and this years WINNERS were...Shelby Errington and Lauren Merricks. Well done everyone!! A HUGE thank you to our audience (who were amazing), our judges and of course to our children!
Teddy Bears' Picnic
The Ducklings enjoyed a lovely morning having a Teddy Bears’ Picnic, to bring our topic of bears to a close. Despite the rain and it having to be an indoor picnic, we had lots of fun singing, dancing and of course eating! We enjoyed eating the sandwiches and cakes we had made in preparation for our picnic. Do you like our teddy bear ears and head dresses we made?
EYFS and KS1 solve jigsaw puzzles
As part of Thomas Deane Day some of the children in EYFS and KS1 solved jigsaw puzzles. The children looked at the picture to begin with to know what the jigsaw had to look like. They then sorted the jigsaw pieces into two groups; with edges and without edges. The children worked together to solve the problem. The children were delighted when they completed their jigsaws-well done!!
Sun and Shadows in Science
In science this week the children in Robins have investigated the position of the sun during the day. The children also understand why sometimes the sun can be dangerous and cretaed their own sun hat. Also, we discovered that a shadow is when an opaque objects blocks the sun light. We had fun drawing around our shadows. We also made hand shadows back in class.
Hawks teach ball skills to Herons
The children in Hawks have been teachers this week. They went to teach a variety of ball skills to the children in Herons. The children in Herons had to learn how to throw, catch, kick and toe-tap the ball by the end of the lesson. Hawks were extremely fantastic at being the teachers as they gave support, they were nuturing, they modelled and shared good examples.
'Fun Friday Cookery' make fruit salad!
On Friday 12th July with the theme of ’healthy living week’, the children in Fun Friday cooking club made fruit salad. The children worked together to wash the fruit, cut and chop the fruit and then created their fruit salad. We used a variety of different fruits including; tangerines, bananas, strawberries and grapes. We then soaked our colourful fruit salad in orange juice. YUM YUM!!
Key Stage 1 Yoga
During Helathy Living Week, the children in Key Stage 1 enjoyed a relaxing yoga session in the sun. The children made different shapes and held different positions. The children created; the child pose, down dog, the cow pose, the plank and lots of other yoga positions. How flexible are you? Can you copy any of our poses?