Image of Mainly Making Models

Mainly Making Models

We have been using 3D shapes to make models. Some of us have done lovely paintings, drawings and writing. There are a few photographs of us learning in groups during our maths and literacy lessons.

Image of Roald Dahl 30.09.2015

Roald Dahl 30.09.2015

Photos from our day.

Image of The Environment Club Trip to Brockholes.

The Environment Club Trip to Brockholes.

Carleton Green’s Environment Club joined St John’s Environment Club and took a trip to Brockholes. It was so much fun!! We played ’I am a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ with lots of Bush Tucker Trials. The whole group learnt about basic survival techniques by taking part in lighting and maintaining a camp fire and building a shelter. We thoroughly enjoyed roasting our marshmellows on the open fire. Yum!!

Image of Exciting PGL

Exciting PGL

More fun filled pictures!! Enjoy!!

Image of Even More PGL Pictures

Even More PGL Pictures

A fantastic time had by all. A big thank you to Group 1!! Mrs Harding

Image of Fantastic PGL!!

Fantastic PGL!!

We all had a wonderful time at PGL. Thank you Group 4!! Mrs Crooks