Photo Galleries
A special visitor in Ducklings
We were very lucky today to have a special visit from Emily’s baby sister Abigail. The children all listened beautifully and thought of great questions to ask, to find out what a baby needs and how it will grow and change. Baby Abigail was so well behaved and slept nearly the whole time!
Mainly Making Models
We have been using 3D shapes to make models. Some of us have done lovely paintings, drawings and writing. There are a few photographs of us learning in groups during our maths and literacy lessons.
The Environment Club Trip to Brockholes.
Carleton Green’s Environment Club joined St John’s Environment Club and took a trip to Brockholes. It was so much fun!! We played ’I am a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ with lots of Bush Tucker Trials. The whole group learnt about basic survival techniques by taking part in lighting and maintaining a camp fire and building a shelter. We thoroughly enjoyed roasting our marshmellows on the open fire. Yum!!