Image of *Target Practise

*Target Practise

We all enjoyed practising our throwing skills with Sean on Tuesday while we played a target game.

Image of "Giant's Footsteps"

"Giant's Footsteps"

We played Giant Footsteps with Sean this week.It was a great game and helped us practise our fundamental skills.

Image of Call the Midwife!

Call the Midwife!

We have had a visit from a midwife to find out more about her job and how she helps others. The children all listened beautifully and are now looking after all the babies very carefully in our role play baby clinic!

Image of Falcons Created a Dance Based on World War 2 Imagery.

Falcons Created a Dance Based on World War 2 Imagery.

Today, during PE, the Falcons created a dance inspired by World War 2. We worked in pairs to devise dance moves that corresponded with images such as; Evacuation; Anderson Shelters and Soldiers. We then performed each pairs’ moves, as a sequence of individual dances, before putting the dance together to the music; ’It’s a Long Way To Tipperary’. Well done Falcons, I thought you performed it spectacularly!!

Image of Searching for features of persuasive writing in leaflets.

Searching for features of persuasive writing in leaflets.

Today Falcons were searching for examples of persuasive writing found in leaflets advertising attractions in our local area. They were able to identify the techniques used to attract specific audiences and recognise how features, such as; repetition; alliteration; rhetorical questions and many other persuasive writing features capture the attention and interest of specific groups of people.

Image of Year 5 and 6 Lancashire Museum Pictures

Year 5 and 6 Lancashire Museum Pictures

Mrs Crooks Group’s pictures. We all had such a fantastic day!!