Image of Open Afternoon with Owls

Open Afternoon with Owls

On February 12th, the children in Owls gave our parents/carers an insight into a typical PE lesson during Open Afternoon. We began the session with a very energetic warm up. The children then performed their gymnastics routines and we then ended the session with very calm cool down.

Image of Amazing Volcano Creations

Amazing Volcano Creations

Look at these fantastic volcanoes created by the children in Owls class. They have worked really hard creating them. Which volcano is your favourite and why?

Image of Volcano Explanation Texts

Volcano Explanation Texts

The children in Owls have created some fantastic explanation texts about volcanoes. In Topic and Computing the children researched and found out many facts about volcanoes. In Literacy they created their explanation text which included; questions and answers, flip cards about different volcanoes and a glossary card to explain key vocabulary. In Art the children drew their volcano and labelled it. What was your favourite part of the explanation text? What do you now know about volcanoes?

Image of Falcons' Dance

Falcons' Dance

The Year 5 and 6 children in the the Falcon’s Class created a dance inspired by the imagery and interpretation of feelings and emotions created when completing exams. This included the feelings they may encounter when entering the exam room, along with the trepidation and anticipation of opening the paper through to the relief and elation of completing the paper. All the children completed an excellent dance in pairs which they then performed to the rest of the class. Well done Falcons.

Image of More Ducklings Chinese New Year Open Afternoon!

More Ducklings Chinese New Year Open Afternoon!

The Ducklings have loved sharing this celebration with their families, making monkeys, writing invitations, folding fans, turning our home corner into a Chinese restaurant and lots more!

Image of Our Naughty Bus Trip by the Yellow Ducklings

Our Naughty Bus Trip by the Yellow Ducklings

What a lovely sunny day we had for our trip out on the Naughty Bus. It was very well behaved and brought us straight back! We paid for our tickets and enjoyed the views from the top deck! We got to see the sea and the snow capped mountains of the Lake District on our journey!

Image of The Naughty Bus

The Naughty Bus

The children had such an exciting learning experience when the got to ride on ’The Naughty Bus’. The children had to count out the correct coins to pay the driver, get their ticket and got to go on a journey to Blackpool, riding on the top deck! An experience they loved, a highlight being when the Naughty Bus drove right past school on the way home. How naughty!

Image of Ducklings 'Chinese New Year' open afternoon

Ducklings 'Chinese New Year' open afternoon

We had a wonderful time learning about Chinese New Year and sharing our experiences with parents and family.

Image of "High Fives Netball Team Win"

"High Fives Netball Team Win"

On Wednesday 3rd February, Carleton Green played Carr Head Primary. All the children played fabulously and I’ am pleased to announce that Carleton Green won by a whopping 5-1. Go team Carleton Green!!

Image of Talking about old toys

Talking about old toys

We have been learning about old and new toys and making comparisons. Adam confidently chatted about his Uncle’s old Snoopy teddy, which he brought in to share.

Image of Sharing 'Old' toys

Sharing 'Old' toys

In ducklings, we have been thinking about old and new toys. Adam confidently told the yellow duckling class all about his Uncle’s old Snoopy toy.