Exploring capacity

Image of Exploring capacity

Outside in the garden the Ducklings have been exploring filling different sized  containers and pots with compost and finding out which hold the most or the least. They have also been trying to estimate before actually  counting and measuring.

Category: Ducklings

maths outdoor learning capacity activemaths


Den building

Image of Den building

The Ducklings have been enjoying working together to build dens outside.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning


We have crossed the road safely!

Image of We have crossed the road safely!

Today we completed our road safety programme and learned to cross the road safely with a grown-up.

More photos......https://www.carletongreen.lancs.sch.uk/photo-galleries/road-safety-2

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning Physical development Road safety


Planting Potatoes

Image of Planting Potatoes

The Ducklings were planting potatoes ŵith Mrs Hicks today.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning garden


People Patterns

Image of People Patterns

The Ducklings have been going mad for patterns this week, even outside with their friends they have been able to create repeating patterns.

Category: Ducklings

maths outdoor learning patterns


Float or Sink?

Image of Float or Sink?

The Ducklings have been investigating which objects float or sink. They then recorder their findings on a table.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning investigation Understanding the World


Right Start Road Safety

Image of Right Start Road Safety

Today we have talked about the importance of using our ears to listen out for traffic as we can't always see it coming when there is a bend in the road or lots of parked cars. We closed our eyes and tried to listen to which direction the traffic was coming from.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning Physical development Road safety


Problem Solving

Image of Problem Solving

The Ducklings were working cooperatively together to help solve the problem of helping the bus to travel across the river. They had to discuss their course of action, the materials that they would need and how they would carry out their plan.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning problem solving team work


Ding, ding! Hop on board!

Image of Ding, ding! Hop on board!

The Ducklings have been pretending to be passengers on a bus. They have been solving different maths word problems, paying for their tickets and solving halving and doubling problems with passenger numbers.

maths outdoor learning problem solving


Roller fun!

Image of Roller fun!

Ducklings and Little Chicks have been exploring rolling paint with the different rollers.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning Creative learning


Right Start Road Safety

Image of Right Start Road Safety

Today we have been continuing with our road safety. We have talked about safe places to play and have looked at how driveways can be dangerous as they cross our pavements. We practised crossing the school driveway safely.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning Physical development


Investigating Distance travelled

Image of Investigating Distance travelled

The Ducklings have been investigating sending vehicles down ramps to see which vehicle can travel the furthest distance. They then came up with the idea of checking by measuring. They were able to describe what effect changing the steepness of the ramps made or the type of vehicle that they used.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning investigation activemaths