Our new Ducklings and their House Teams

Image of Our new Ducklings and their House Teams

We have all met the other members of our House Teams and are looking forward working together to gain team points.

Look at our teams... http://www.carletongreen.lancs.sch.uk/photo-galleries/ducklings-and-their-house-teams


Category: Ducklings


Me in a Bag

The Owl class have put themselves in a bag or a box (not literally) as a way of sharing to the class how they would describe themselves. The children were limited to 5 things to show and share to the class for them to get to know a bit about each other. The children stood up in front of the class…

Category: Owls

owls pshe


Enjoying our first school dinners!

Image of Enjoying our first school dinners!

The new Ducklings have been super stars at lunchtime. They have lined up beautifully, collected their trays and cutlery, used their speaking skills to make their choices and shown lovely manners. Well done!

Look here for more photos... 

Category: Ducklings


Road Safety Success!

Image of Road Safety Success!

Ducklings have now completed Stage One of thier Road Safety training. Everyone did really well. They were all very sensible at the side of the road and listened really carefully.

It's now their job to train you!

See the photographs of our certificate awards on the field here.

Category: Ducklings

healthyliving duckling


Robot Snacks

Today in Parrots to celebrate the end of our Robot topic Mrs. Wills brought in some healthy snacks to put together a shape snack.

We chose the crackers we wanted, used the cream cheese as glue and stuck on healthy vegetables  in different shapes. Can you count how many different kinds of…

Category: Parrots

year 1 parrots


Year 5 Children Attend The Millfield High School Soap Enterprise Day!!

All the children that attended the Millfield Soap Enterprise Day had such a wonderful time. They had the opportunity to create soap, design and make packaging for it and advertise their product. Well done - you are a true credit to Carleton Green!!

Thank you ever so much to Miss Hardman for…

Category: Falcons

design Design and Technology


Year 5's Trip to see the Planetarium at Hodgson funded by The Ogden Trust.

The Year 5 children had a fabulous trip to the Planetarium funded by The Ogden Trust but hosted by Hodgson. The children started the activities by sitting in the dome and learning all about the Earth, Moon and space. This was followed by various scientific workshops where the children were able to…

Category: Falcons


"The next European Football stars?"

To celebrate that Wales are the only home nation still being in Euro '16 the Ducklings had a PE morning of foot ball skills. We practised; accurate kicking, stopping, dribbling, passing and shooting at goal. We have some very talented players.

Mrs Wills' stars of the Yellow Ducklings were…

Category: Ducklings

duckling eyfs pe P.E.


Road Safety

This week the Ducklings started their Road Safety training. The topics we have learned about are "Other People" and "Safer Places".

During "Other People" we learned about the names for; the pavement, kerb and road. We discussed where was safe to walk and how we must ALWAYS hold another persons…

Category: Ducklings



Robot work in the Parrots

The Parrots have been learning all about robots this half term. There has been lots of exciting learning going on in class. We have been reading information books and poems in Literacy, building 3d models of robots, making shape robots, pretending to be robots and giving instructions to each other…

Category: Parrots

maths year1 reading computing year 1 parrots


*Y6 Fun Activities

Here are some of the pictures from our Y6 activities. We have been to Stanah; having fun on the park and in the woods followed by ice cream. We have had a sleepover with a real survival lesson with Dan McDermott who taught us all about campfires and how to do it safely. During our sleepover the…

Category: Falcons


Year 6 Activities

Whilst most of the Year 6 children had a wonderful time in London, those who didn't go also had lots of fun!! We had an amazing time at Stanah and our sleep over was such a laugh. Here are some great pictures of our time at Stanah, before the heavens opened and we got drenched. However, the…

Category: Falcons