Making giant caterpillars
The children decided to create giant caterpillars after reading the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They used all sorts of equipment from the sheds to help them! Very creative!
Category: Ducklings
Caterpillar Patterns
We have been using our funky fingers to thread pasta shapes on to laces, making lovely caterpillars. We have counted forwards and backwards how many pasta shapes we used. We also tried using different pasta shapes to make a repeating patterns.
Category: Ducklings
Water fun!
Having fun in the sun with the water.
Category: Ducklings
Owls visit
The Owls came to visit us today to teach us their poems about the plague. They were all based on the nursery rhyme " Ring-a- ring a Roses". Each older pupil worked with one or two of us and taught us the actions as well.
Everyone then performed the rhyme to the rest of the class. We all enjoyed…
Category: Ducklings
Mark Making
This afternoon in Ducklings to encourage everyone to mark make and practise their pencil grip we made marks on a large piece of paper today.
The boys started us off by making a race track which turned into a jungle and later a treasure map for pirates! Some other children joined in and started…
Category: Ducklings
Ducklings are practising their throwing skills this week. We had Rostand with our legs apart and knees slightly bent while we threw the ball. When we were catching we had tried to bend our knees slightly. Remember to LOOK at the ball all the time. If we could throw it already we had to…
Category: Ducklings
More making 10!
Exploring different ways to make ten, continuing with our Jack and the beanstalk theme.
Category: Ducklings
Creating a giant's castle
Using junk materials to create the giant's castle from Jack and the beanstalk.
Category: Ducklings
Making 10
We have found different ways to make 10 using our 'beanstalks!'
Category: Ducklings
Ordering numbers
We have been ordering numbers in lots of different ways.
Category: Ducklings
Number time with beans on toast
We have enjoyed making ten with our beans on toast at snack time!
Category: Ducklings
Number time with beans on toast
We have enjoyed making ten with our beans on toast at snack time!
Category: Ducklings