Making pet carriers

Image of Making pet carriers

The Ducklings have enjoyed making pet homes and carriers from junk and other materials in the work shop area.

Category: Ducklings


*Outdoor PE

Mrs Moss and Miss Watmough have been setting up obstacle courses outside and helping us develop our skills of hopping, skipping, kicking and balancing on benches and following a line. Everyone gets a turn at being outside in the fresh air and practisning our skills in different ways.


Category: Ducklings

duckling eyfs pe


Dear Zoo PE

In PE we are doing our “Animals” topic and focusing on the story Dear Zoo by Rod Cambell. For our warm up we move around like the animals in the story while listening to the song on youtube. Why not watch and have a go at home?

Our fundamental skills are developing really well and we are…

Category: Ducklings

duckling eyfs pe P.E.


A special visit from Alfie the pug

Image of A special visit from Alfie the pug

Our knowledge of Pets continues as today we had a visit from Mrs Rolley and gorgeous Aflie the pug. Alfie was very well behaved whilst the children asked lots of super questions and learned alot about pugs. A big thank you to Alfie and his family! 

Category: Ducklings


Sequencing a story

Image of Sequencing a story

The children get to know a story really well, so that they can sequence the main events and retell the story using the repetitive vocabulary! Ask them to tell you the Dear Zoo story to you at home!

Category: Ducklings


Measuring length

Image of Measuring length

Some children have been using objects such as cubes to help them measure the length of different pets! You can see that we have to be very good at counting carefully!

Category: Ducklings


Ordering by size

Image of Ordering by size

The ducklings have been busy ordering the pets and other objects according to their size.

Category: Ducklings


#Handwriting Patterns

Image of #Handwriting Patterns

Large patterns on the floor are a fantastic way to train our brains and hands how to do the perfect handwriting patterns. Start off really large with scarves and ribbons in the air and then large patterns on the floor before you move to small patterns on paper. 

Category: Ducklings



Reading in the sunshine!

Image of Reading in the sunshine!

In the lovely sunshine, the children were reading silly questions and sorting them according to the answers 'yes' and 'no.'

Category: Ducklings


Ordering length

Image of Ordering length

We have been ordering playground objects according to their length and using vocabulary such as longer and shorter when comparing them.

Category: Ducklings


Making homes for animals

Image of Making homes for animals

This week the children are being encouraged to use their creative skills and imaginations to make a home for an animal. Children have got to select their own materials and use materials from in and around our environment. 

Look at this amazing home for hamsters! 

Category: Ducklings

art Design and Technology


A visit from Zippy the tortoise

Image of A visit from Zippy the tortoise

As part of our Pets topic, this week we had a visit from Zippy the tortoise. The children enjoyed learning about how Zippy hibernates, what he likes to eat and how to look after him. 

Category: Ducklings