Kestrels Remembrance Assembly

Kestrels class prepared and delivered our class assembly on Tuesday of this week. 

The children worked hard to put together a very informative and respectful assembly to allow children at Carleton Green to remember the brave serviceman and women who serve our country both past and…

Category: Kestrels

kestrels pshe LKS2


Our very serious debate!

On Friday, Mrs Jones asked the question "Would you like to visit Pompeii?" We all had our own thoughts on this and we discussed how each individuals opinion waas important and valid. We then decided whether we were in the "yes i would definitely like to go" the "no i definitely don't want to…

Category: Kestrels



Image of Resolutions

This afternoon we used our non verbal communication skills to ask our partners to pass us some pieces of paper, ready for us to write our resoltions on. We discussed our resoltions and have chosen three to try and achieve; trying something new, stopping a bad habit and improving on something we…

Category: Kestrels