What a lovely week!

Image of What a lovely week!

We have all had such a lovely, albeit tiring, week in the ducklings. The children's head are full of facts about dinosaurs, we feel even more settled into routines and we have loved the, dare I say it, great weather. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 19 March 2021

Category: Ducklings


More and less than

Image of More and less than

In maths this week we are finding one more than or less than a number or quantity. The children have been working with their talking partners to eplorenone more/less in different ways. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 16 March 2021

Category: Ducklings


Little kickers

Image of Little kickers

In PE we have continued with our kicking skills, kicking at targets and passing and receiving a large ball. The children are showing such super progress already! 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 16 March 2021

Category: Ducklings


Doubles in Maths

Image of Doubles in Maths

We have been finding doubles in lots of different ways this week, whether it be outside with the dinosaurs, on the computer, inside using dominoes and dabbing doubles with paint. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 12 March 2021

Category: Ducklings


Talking about our amazing Mummies

Image of Talking about our amazing Mummies

Today Danny Duck helped us to share our thoughts and feelings about why our Mummies are so special to us. Our circle time gave us the chance to speak, listen and discuss everything our Mums do for us. A personal favourite was 'My mum is fantastic because she makes me feel safe and…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 12 March 2021

Category: Ducklings


Welcome back Ducklings!

Image of Welcome back Ducklings!

We are so thrilled to have our amazing Ducklimgs back at school. They have coped amazingly well with the busy school day and have remembered rules and routines brilliantly. They have been keen to show what they have learned in lockdown and have been busy cracking on with lolly stick challenges…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 8 March 2021

Category: Ducklings


Human weighing skills

Image of Human weighing skills

Today we were choosing objects from around the classroom to weigh and we were taking turns to be the 'scales'. The children loved trying to balance the scales and recognised that their arms moved down with heavier objects. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 25 February 2021

Category: Ducklings


Applying the 'ur' sound in our writing

Image of Applying the 'ur' sound in our writing

Today we wrote lists of words featuring 'ur' and thought of a silly sentence including two 'ur' words. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 23 February 2021

Category: Ducklings


Heavier or Lighter?

Image of Heavier or Lighter?

We have kicked off this week with our new maths topic, weight. Today we thought about things that are heavier and lighter, collecting objects to test our ideas. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 22 February 2021

Category: Ducklings


Chinese New Year

Image of Chinese New Year

We have been learning about Chinese New this week and it has been so lovely to see the work our amazing Ducklings have produced. Look at this beautiful writing and Chinese fan! 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 11 February 2021

Category: Ducklings



Bringing money to real life situations

Image of Bringing money to real life situations

It has been so wonderful to see how many of you have enjoyed learning about money this week. The best way to apply the skills you have learned is through real life situations and role play. Here, Eric is choosing and paying for the toppings for his freshly made pancakes. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 11 February 2021

Category: Ducklings



Applying new learning in Phonics

Image of Applying  new learning in Phonics

The Ducklings teachers have been blown away with how well our children are applying new phonemes. Phonics is taught and learned at quite a fast pace and it is just wonderful to see the many ways our Ducklings apply what they know. Keep up the amazing work! 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:14 on 4 February 2021

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics