Image of "Doves research facts about Roald Dahl"

"Doves research facts about Roald Dahl"

All this week the children have been researching facts about Roald Dahl so that they can create their own fact file about this world famous author. We celebrated Roald Dahl Day yesterday by finding even more facts about this amazing man. We have already made a great start in revising the features of biographies so that we can write our very own biography about Roald Dahl next week. Well done Doves!

Image of Doves Show and Tell

Doves Show and Tell

Today during Show and Tell, Evie brought some Roald Dahl books to share with children.

Image of Doves Democracy - Student Council

Doves Democracy - Student Council

This week all the children in Doves took part in voting for who they wanted to be our Student Council representatives. We are very pleased to announce that Gracie Sykes and Samuel Wilmot will be our student council representatives. Well done to you guys.

Image of Doves Did Us Proud in the Whole Class Assembly

Doves Did Us Proud in the Whole Class Assembly

To end a very successful first, full week back to start this new academic year, Doves’ Class performed in our end of week, whole school assembly. They sang a song, which celebrated our school, to the tune of the world famous Eidelweiss. The children worked hard to learn the lyrics and all sang beautifully in front of the whole school. Some children also read out during the assembly, projecting their voices with real confidence. Mrs Noctor and I are very proud of all of them.

Image of Ducklings First Week at School

Ducklings First Week at School

We are so proud of all our new Ducklings! They have settled in brilliantly!

Image of Making healthy fruit and vegetable kebabs

Making healthy fruit and vegetable kebabs

During healthy living week we made fruit and vegetable kebabs. They were yummy!

Image of Ducklings Healthy Living Week

Ducklings Healthy Living Week

We have been very active this week, running or walking a mile around the school field each day, completing assault courses, skipping, balancing, throwing and catching, dancing to Boogie Beebies and trying out some yoga. We have also completed our last unit on road safety and learnt how to cross the road safely, with an adult. Inside we have been making healthy fruit and vegetable kebabs and designing our own healthy packed lunches and meals. We have also set up an investigation to find out which drinks will be good or bad for our teeth. We have put some white eggs in different drinks such as cola, water, milk, orange juice and blackcurrant squash. The children guessed that cola would be bad for our teeth, but were astonished to see how much reduced sugar squash stained and changed the egg!

Image of Ducklings  Indoor Picnic!

Ducklings Indoor Picnic!

Unfortunately it was a little wet to have our picnic on the field, so we had our healthy packed lunches in the hall instead. They were very yummy! We had a healthy bottle of water, carrot sticks, a vegetarian sausage roll, an apple, a sandwich and a wrap. We were lucky to have a biscuit treat too!