Image of KS1 and LKS2 Blackpool Walk the Lights

KS1 and LKS2 Blackpool Walk the Lights

KS1 and LKS2 had a lovely evening walking the Blackpool Illuminations. We started off with fish and chips and then in groups we walked the lights.

Image of Open Afternoon

Open Afternoon

It was lovely to see so many parents, grandparents and careers at the open afternoon. We had lots of fun sharing our mathematics learning with you all.

Image of Doves' Field trip to Poulton Town Centre

Doves' Field trip to Poulton Town Centre

As part of the children’s topic There’s No Place Like Home in Geography, the children walked in to Poulton Town Centre for their fieldtrip. While we were walking in to Poulton, the children observed their surroundings and completed a table about which human and physical features they could see. Once we were in Poulton, they completed a map of the town centre by writing the names of all of the shops and businesses they could see. We then walked back to school. All of the children said that they had a wonderful time.

Image of Doves' Field trip to Poulton Town Centre

Doves' Field trip to Poulton Town Centre

As part of the children’s topic There’s No Place Like Home in Geography, the children walked in to Poulton Town Centre for their fieldtrip. While we were walking in to Poulton, the children observed their surroundings and completed a table about which human and physical features they could see. Once we were in Poulton, they completed a map of the town centre by writing the names of all of the shops and businesses they could see. We then walked back to school. All of the children said that they had a wonderful time.

Image of Super Separating in Science

Super Separating in Science

Pictures showing us separating mixtures and solutions.

Image of Eagles Class Assembly 2017

Eagles Class Assembly 2017

Here are some photos of our assembly - all about life in 1940’s Britain, told through the story of Adolphus Tips by Michael Morpurgo.

Image of LED Light's Talk

LED Light's Talk

Today the children in Doves had a visitor in class.Mr Timperley (Charlie’s Grandad) from SDL Lighting came in to school and talked about the LED lights he works with. The children were all fascinated by all the information he gave them and they asked some fantastic questions. Mr Timperley has kindly agreed to come back to school to speak to Owls and Kestrels after half term.