Image of Fun in the snow

Fun in the snow

On Tuesday morning we wrapped up and went out to explore and make the most of the snow!

Image of Our trip on the Naughty bus

Our trip on the Naughty bus

What beautiful weather we had for our ride out on the Naughty Bus! We saw lots of different features of our local environment on our bus ride, but because it was such a clear day we could see the snow capped mountains of the Lake District too! The children were brilliant at paying for their bus tickets!

Image of NSPCC Maths Sponsor Day

NSPCC Maths Sponsor Day

On Friday 2nd February, we held a maths challenge day to raise money for the NSPCC.

Image of Taste Test

Taste Test

Herons classroom turned into a tasting room as part of our senses workshop. We had to predict what the food or flavour was and then taste it using descriptive words. We had some intersting food to taste!

Image of Herons make robots

Herons make robots

Our topic is robots and we used different construction materials to make them. This week we are going to use junk modelling to make our robots that we designed.

Image of *Doves learn about rocks in science

*Doves learn about rocks in science

Today in science, we have been finding out all about different rocks. The children have learnt all about Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks. Here are the children inspecting a range of rocks more closely, using a magnifying glass, so they could write a detailed description of the rocks they observed.

Image of A visit from Alistair Parker

A visit from Alistair Parker

KS1 have been studying the local artist Alistair Parker and on Friday 5th January, we were very lucky because he came to visit us.