Image of World Book Day in Ducklings

World Book Day in Ducklings

We have really enjoyed dressing up, sharing and reading our favourite books and writing about them today. Thank you for all of their costumes. They looked amazing!

Image of *A Volcanic Eruption

*A Volcanic Eruption

On Wednesday 24th January, the children investigated what happens during a volcanic eruption and why. We used a fizzy bottle of lemonade to demonstrate the build up of pressure in the magma chamber and re-created an eruption by shaking the lemonade and unscrewing the bottle top. We discussed that the gases in the lemonade are already there and how opening the bottle didn’t create them but rather allowed them to escape. We compared this to the pressure in volcano. The pressure in the magma chamber increases and raises up the throat and a vent is formed.

Image of *Doves navigate using angles and degree turns

*Doves navigate using angles and degree turns

Today, the children have navigated a partner to reach a goal. They had to use directions including quarter, half and full turns and their corresponding angles. The children really enjoyed 'programming' their partner to reach their destination whilst avoiding obstacles.

Image of *Doves Angles Investigation

*Doves Angles Investigation

The children have loved exploring obtuse, acute and right angles. They worked in teams to draw their own examples on the playground and labelled them accordingly.

Image of World Thinking Day in Herons

World Thinking Day in Herons

On 22nd February each year, it is World Thinking Day. We come dressed in our Rainbows or Beavers uniform to remember the work we do for others. This year the focus is 'Impact' with the symbol a flame. We created stained glass window candles to help us think about what we can do to have an impact on others.

Image of Herons Robot Poetry

Herons Robot Poetry

As part of our poetry unit, we learnt a robot poem off by heart and performed it to all of Ducklings.

Image of Herons Class Assembly

Herons Class Assembly

On Tuesday 6th February, Herons performed their class assembly to the school and parents. Our theme was Robots.