Image of Brilliant Birds

Brilliant Birds

As part of science week this week, Herons were set a challenge to see if they coulld make a nest as good as birds can. They could only use outdoor materials to help them. They worked together to build a nest to see if it could hold their class bird Squarky.

Image of Polar Explorer Food

Polar Explorer Food

As part of Science Week in Herons, they explored and discovered what would be the best foods to take to polar regions. They had to think about weight and money,

Image of Celebration of Music 2018

Celebration of Music 2018

The children from dance represented Carleton Green at the Celebration of Music on Monday 12th March at The Opera House, Blackpool. they danced and sang to three soundtracks from the musical Annie.

Image of Kestrels - YMCA Nutrition Talk

Kestrels - YMCA Nutrition Talk

Kestrels Nutrition Talk

Image of *Doves are Investigative Readers

*Doves are Investigative Readers

Doves are investigative readers because they search for clues in the text. They also make predictions and search for the meaning of words they don't know by looking them up in a dictionary.

Image of World Book Day in Herons

World Book Day in Herons

Last Thursday we all celebrated World Book Day. We are learning all about Julia Donaldson as her books all have animal characters in them so we came as different animals.

Image of Pet day

Pet day

In KS1 we are learning all about animals. Last Wednesday children in KS1 had a talk from Mrs Claydon's son George who brought in his amazing pets. We also got to bring in our own pets on the playground. It was a fantastic day.