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Halifax Bank visit Herons
Children in KS1 had a fantastic workshop today, led by Halifax Bank. The children listened to a story about where money comes from and how important it is to save our money. The children then experiences working in a bank where they counted money and paid money into the bank. The children were very lucky and got lots of goodies, including a new money box!
Christmas Maths Decorations
In class this week, Herons had been sent a challenge from Mrs McGrath to create a Christmas decoration using natural objects. They had to plan and design their decoration using their measuring skills. The children have had a fantastic week using a ruler to measure the different sized twigs to make a class decoration. What was your favourite part about making the class Christmas tree? Can you remember any of the measurements?
Buddy the Elf has arrived today!
The children were extremely excited when they came to class this morning and found a package had been delivered, marked ’first class from the North Pole’. Inside was an Elf and a letter. We had the challenge of creating a name for our Elf, who we are sure is going to create lots of Christmas Chaos.
Herons write a new Katie Morag story
The children in Herons wrote a new Katie Morag story on Friday 24th November in a resonse to an email from the author Mairi Hedderwick. Dear Herons, I need your help! I know you have been reading my stories and I was wondering if you could help me create a new Katie Morag story? I would love your plans and story ideas to help me create a new adventure for Katie Morag. I cannot wait to read your stories. Your sincerely, Mairi Hedderwick
* Doves' Outdoor Learning - Forces
This afternoon Doves were all learning about forces in Science. We discussed different push and pull forces. The children then worked with a partner and recreated different push and pull forces. See if you can recognise any of them.
* Doves Outdoor Learning - Maths Vocabulary
Today the children in Doves were learning the different vocabulary for addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and equals. Different sections of the playground was given the label of each of these terms using the mathematical symbol. Vocabulary was read out and the children had to run to the correct section of the playground. We had so much fun whilst they were learning important vocabulary.
* Doves Yoga Poses
For our indoor PE Topic this half term, the children have been learning Yoga. Here are some pictures of their poses. See if you can recognise any of the shapes they are making.
Lancashire Dance Festival 2017
On Thursday16th November 2017, 25 children across school took part in the Lancashire Dance Festival at the Guild Hall in Preston. The theme of the festival was Made in the UK. Our dance was a celebration of British Artists. We celebrated The Beatles, Queen, Elton John, Spice Girls and One Direction. The children were a credit to school and the performance on stage was outstanding. Well done to all of you. Ms Watmough and I are extremely proud and we cannot wait to perform at The Wyre and Fylde Dance Festival at The Winter Gradens next week. What part of the dance were you in? What part of the dance did you enjoy the most? What did your parents/carers think of our dance?
Anti-Bullying Week in Herons
During the week of the 13th November, Herons made awareness to anti-bullying week. Our focus in our class was celebrating differences and how to be a good friend.