Outdoor learning
30 April 2021
Little Chicks are engaged in learning the skill of catching the ball in the cone. A tricky skill to master, they gave it a good go through trail and error sometimes they caught it in the cone.
Little Chicks were trying to get the sea creatures down the slope after some deliberation and discussion they realised that putting water down the slope moved the sea creatures.
Little Chicks have made signs for the front garden to encourage adults and children to keep of the new growing seeds, plants and shrubs.
Families please help children to care for the environment.
Little Chicks have been using instruments throughout the week on the rainbow. We have focused on beat, rhythm, the different sounds instruments can make and how they can make up there own tune.
The new topic next week is Pirates, have a look at some Pirate activities bring ideas to Little Chicks.
Thursday is Pirate dress up day we look forward to seeing our Little Chick Pirates.
Category: Little Chicks
Tags: music fine motor science Active learning