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Fire fighter visit
Ducklings and Little Chicks loved having the fire fighters to visit yesterday. They were brilliant and the children learnt so much. They had the opportunity to see and have a go at some of the equipment! I think lots of them want to be fire fighters in future now.
Fire Fighters Visit
Ducklings and Little Chicks loved having the fire fighters to visit yesterday. They were brilliant and the children learnt so much. They had the opportunity to see and have a go at some of the equipment! I think lots of them want to be fire fighters in future now.
Hawks go to Poulton!
As part of our reading, RE and geography units, we had a lovely day in Poulton.
Hawks' Outdoor Classroom Day Part 4
To end out amazing Outdoor Classroom Day, we had a hot drink to warm us up!
Hawks' Outdoor Classroom Day Part 3
Hawks then went outside to read and retrieve facts about Viking life.
Hawks' Outdoor Classroom Day Part 2
Hawks went outside and learnt how to use ' for possession and contraction and applied them into sentences.
Falcons' Outdoor Learning
The children in Falcons have had such a fabulous outdoor learning week. Groups of children have worked with Mrs Hicks to re-create an Anglo-Saxon wall using wattle and daub. They used natural materials that were authentic and similar to how the Anglo-Saxons would have created it (even using cow poo). Mrs Hicks and I have been so impressed with how the Falcons children took part in these activities, they have shown such maturity, hard work and excellent behaviour. Well done and a big thank you from Mrs Harding and Mrs Hicks.
Outdoor Learning Assembly
To conclude such a wonderful Outdoor Learning Day, the children in KS2 all came together to share their outdoor learning experiences from the day. Falcons started by explaining how they completed mathematical equations using natural resources. In the afternoon groups of children worked with Mrs Hicks to re-create an Anglo-Saxon wall using wattle and daub. Children who were waiting for their turn to work with Mrs Hicks, created 'Poetree' by working with the trees and leaves around school to create a poem using their senses. Hawks described how they were involved in outdoor learning maths and SPAG activities as well as an activity involving finding Anglo-Saxon and Viking facts. They read some lovely recounts of their day which was concluded with a very tasty drink of hot chocolate. Yum yum. Eagles also discussed how they were also involved in active maths and how they also completed a History and Geography activity which also included involving Anglo-Saxon and Viking facts. Owls, Doves and Kestrels in Year 3 and 4 completed various maths and English challenges in the morning, including using lines of symmetry using string and natural resources. In the afternoon, they all worked together in a carousel and the activities included learning about how to make a fire (safely) and how the Stone Age people would have used a fire. They also created Stone Age jewellery and weapons using natural resources. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed their Outdoor Learning Day and are really excited about the next Outdoor Learning Day in May 2020.