7 June 2022

Image of Mini Beast Week

Little Chicks this week will look at a different Mini beast each day.

Monday we looked at Bees.


Miss Taylor "What do you know about Bees?"

Miss Taylor "Why are they important?"

Alfie "Sting because their beging naughty."

Harley "The Bees make nest, to lat ther eggs."

Joakim "They get the nectar form the flowers."

Darcie "They land on the flowers get the nectar and go on another."

Gracie "beacuse they get nectar from the flowers and make honey."

Lucas "Bumblebee" 

Charlie W "I know about they fly on to the next flower to make honey."

Jayden "They go on a flower."

Charlie C "They lay the eggs."

Soloman "Some nests are on the ground."

Emmy "When they go in the flower and then they sctratch and give some to the workers and the Queen Bee."

Alfie "They build a hive."

Wiggly Woo Song Visual Aids (SB11376) - SparkleBox

Tuesday All about worms

Miss Taylor "What did you learn about worms?"

Harley "When they get dry they will die."

Charlkie W "If you find a worm under the soilthe worm help the plant grow."

Otis "If it's wet they won't die."

Charlie C "If if dosen't have water it will die."

Hunter "they wriggle around, they smash the mud."

Georgia "the worms eat leaves."

Darcie "The worms don't have any back muscles."

Alfie "They don't have any eyebrows, eyes."

Lucas Flower"

Isaac "In the soil."

Penelope "Wriggling around."

follow the link for the Wiggly Woo song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdWsez-CD5o


Wednesday All about Spiders

Little Chicks wathched the facts about spiders follow link https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cartoonsforkids

Miss Taylor "What did you learn about Spiders?"

George "They don't like to live in the cold."

Harley "Catch flies with spider webs."

Joakim "They make webs for sleep."

Hunter "Spiders crunch people, om, om, om."

Jenson "Spiders are special , cause they make spider web."

Jayden "They catch worms."

Alfie "They lay eggs."

Charlie C "They make a web so they can sleep and hahve a home."

Solomon "If somebody is coming they go underground."

Emmy "They amke spider webs so they can live."

Darcie "It has eight legs, spin around, they walk away from you."

Little chicks sang the song Incy Wincy Spider folow link to sing along https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buE6l32rCHo

Thursday All about Ladybirds.

Emmy brought in a fact book all about life cycles.

Miss Taylor "What did you learn about Ladybirds?"

Charlie C "A ladybird has lots of spots, the dark red one."

Rex "He's yellow, he's got brown spots."

Alfie "They fly, they have white eyes."

Joakim "They can smell, with their antenna."

George "Ladybirds, don't live in the cold."

Henry "The black Ladybird has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6 spots."

Georgia "Ladybirds live in trees."

Jenson "Ladybirds live in hives."

Gracie "Ladybirds go all way ypto the tree."

Charlie W "they fly about, they are looking for food."

Harley "They are groups."

Emmy "Ladybirds hibernate when it's cold."



Category: Little Chicks

Tags: science mini-beasts Singing language


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