16 March 2018

As part of science week, the children in Herons were asked if they would work with the other KS1 classes to help create a bug hotel for our bugs to shelter them. They have made a super start. We cannot wait to show you what it looks like when it is finished.


What did you enjoy the most about starting our bug hotel? What bugs do you think would go in there? What did you put in your pot for the bug hotel?


Bug Hotel

Category: Herons

Tags: topic ks1 herons outdoor learning challenge team work bug hotel garden


Charlotte Wood   17 March 2018

I enjoyed getting the mud to build our bug hotel. I think we might get some ants, snails, slugs, worms, spiders, butterflies and ladybirds. I put a stick, some mud, some icy and fizzy water.

Zack Johns   19 March 2018

We put a Sugar cube in and some leaves and a little bit of twigs.

Jacob Turner    19 March 2018

I enjoyed making the big hotel. I think lots of insects will go in it . I put mud, sticks and flowers in my pot

Macy Sumner    21 March 2018

I liked making the bug hotel because I think bugs will adore it. I think ladybirds, worms, butterflies and caterpillars will go in the bug hotel. I used mud, refreshing leaves and sticks for the bugs to climb on.

Austin Cole    21 March 2018

I enjoyed building the big hotels because I found some really good stuff.
I think ants,spiders worms and ladybirds will use it.
I put pine needles, mud, sugary water and leaves.

Cole Chappell    22 March 2018

I enjoyed making the bug hotel, I put leaves, sticks and twigs inside along with mud. I’m hoping it’s comfy for ants and spiders to live in. Maybe flies will come to see it too.

Harry price   22 March 2018

I enjoyed building my bug hotel especially with my friends .
Flys , Ants , Spiders , Worms , Beetles and Wood lice and maybe Centipedes I think would live in there .
In my pot I put bark , mud , dried leaves , fern & grass .

Harry price   22 March 2018

I enjoyed building my bug hotel especially with my friends .
Flys , Ants , Spiders , Worms , Beetles and Wood lice and maybe Centipedes I think would live in there .
In my pot I put bark , mud , dried leaves , fern & grass .

Lily Wootton   11 April 2018

I really enjoyed making the bug hotel. I think worms, spiders and ladybirds will go in there. I put in some soil, some leaves and some twigs.

Max B   13 April 2018

I liked getting all the parts for it most. I hope that lots of worms come to stay. I put some mud, some sticks and a leaf.

Evelyn Bradbury   16 April 2018

I put a big rock and some cardboard in my bug hotel with Mrs Hicks. I enjoyed putting it all together and deciding what to put in it. I think a slug will go in my bug hotel, and a spider.

Anabelle   17 April 2018

The thing I enjoyed most about the bug hotel is making the pots. In my pot I put bark, soil, mud and a leaf. I think red ants, ants and worms will live in my hotel

Hannah Blake   17 April 2018

I liked making a bug hotel room for the bug hotel because bugs need homes to live in. I put some mud, refreshing leaves, a twig and some fizzy pop water in the bug hotel room. I hope lots of bugs visit my bug hotel room e.g caterpillars, butterfly's ladybird ant and spider.

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