Photo Galleries
Counter balances in gymnastics
In gymnastics, we have been learning how to do solo and group counter balances.
Maths, Science and Tag-Rugby
This week we have tested our pulse rate during tag-rugby and created and plotted line graphs.
Owls Dance
In Owls we have started a new PE topic of dance. The children are enjoying exploring music with movement and being creative with how they interpret the pieces.
*Owls explore life before the Romans
Owls class took part in researching what life was like before the Romans invaded Britain by finding out about the Celts (known as the Britons back then). We researched in the classroom before taking part in orienteering to discover the different jobs which the Celts did. We then sat around our little fire and discussed the details of each of the jobs.
Roman Day Activities in Year 3 and 4
The children in Year 3 and 4 loved taking part in Roman activities during our first week back to school after the Christmas holidays. They were fully absorbed in the Outdoor and Indoor cooking, making mosaics and creating Roman shields.