Image of Art


Image of Ducklings Remote Learning 7/1/21

Ducklings Remote Learning 7/1/21

Another busy day! Today we have been learning all about the letter w in phonics. We have seen some beautiful handwriting again. The children are becoming so confident when asked to 'quick write' a word. They can chop up a word, hear the different sounds and write it quickly. We have continued with taking away or subtraction by playing lots of games and using real objects to help us. The children in school have been exploring the space craft crash landing. It appears more parts of the spaceship have been found in Little Chicks garden. The space experts went out to explore and find out more!

Image of Ducklings Remote Learning 6/1/21

Ducklings Remote Learning 6/1/21

Today the Ducklings both in school and at home have been extremely busy! In Phonics they have been learning how to recognise, read and write the letter v. They have been busy hunting for today's letter when out on their walks and in books and magazines around the home. They have been reading and writing words and sentences with this letter in. Their cursive handwriting is becoming beauitful by the day. In Mathematics they have been busy subtracting, by playing games or using practical objects to help them. Florence had the ingenious idea to use objects that you can eat as you take them away!! Look at their amazing number sentences! On our school field, a spacecraft crash scene has been sighted! The children needed to think of questions to help them investigate and find out what exactly has happened. They have also read the Whatever Next! story by Jill Murphy and have begun to think of what they would need to take with them on a trip to the moon. Amazing work Ducklings! Keep up the good work!

Image of Ducklings Christmas Lunch

Ducklings Christmas Lunch

The Ducklings all enjoyed their Christmas lunch. They made a special card to say a big thank you to our kitchen staff for all of their hard work all year.

Image of Heron's Orienteering Challenge

Heron's Orienteering Challenge

Today in PE the Herons completed their orienteering challenge! Each group had 5 routes to follow and had to write the letters found at each station. The winning time was 5 minutes and 43 seconds! They all worked super hard and showed tremendous team building skills

Image of Parrot's Orienteering Challenge

Parrot's Orienteering Challenge

Today in PE the parrots completed their orienteering challenge! Each group had 5 routes to follow and had to write the letters found at each station. The winning time was 5 minutes and 51 seconds! They all worked super hard and showed tremendous team building skills.

Image of It's Party Time!

It's Party Time!

The Ducklings had a great time today - making party hats, dancing, singing, playing games and the best bit of all eating Christmas biscuits and drinking hot chocolate! Yummy! Even the cheeky elf had his sparkly suit on today especially for the party.

Image of Positional vocabulary

Positional vocabulary

In Mathematics this week we will be learning all about prepositions or positional vocabulary. We worked with our talking partners today to put our bears in the correct position when the teacher called out a position word such as behind, beside or above. Our cheeky elf is also finding himself in some different positions - amongst the Nativity characters, inside the Lego box and under the table.