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A busy start to the week
The Ducklings have been busy learning all about the 'th' phoneme, It was a lovely sunny day to get outside and practise writing them in the snow and frost. In Mathematics they have been ordering different objects according to their length. Look at the amazing rockets that the Ducklings have drawn, built and labelled ready for their journeys to the moon.
Remote Learning Week 3
The Ducklings have been very busy this week. In Phonics they have been learning about the digraphs qu, sh and ch. They have been looking for the phonemes in books, handwriting them and writing words and sentences with these sounds in. They have also learnt to read and write they tricky words she and my. In Mathematics the Ducklings have been learning about the passing of time - the seasons and the months of the year, the days of the week and the differences between day and night. They have been ordering these and talking about what happens on different days of the week and in different months of the year. The Ducklings have planned and written their own Aliens Love Underpants stories. Aren't they fantastic?! They read them out to each other during our Zoom Show and Tell. They found out more about meteorites and explored searching for stretchy and not stretchy objects around their homes, just like the aliens used in the story to catapult the meteorite back into space.
Rhyming strings
Can you carry on a rhyming string? Look at the rhyming strings that the Ducklings have managed to write!
Underpants fit for an alien!
Apparently aliens love underpants, so the Ducklings have been very busy designing their own for them! Which do you like best?