Image of Doves Stunning Starter

Doves Stunning Starter

Take a look at what we have been getting up to this week!

Image of Indian Dance Workshop

Indian Dance Workshop

The Ducklings have thoroughly enjoyed the Indian Dance Workshop today as part of our learning all about the Hindu spring festival called Holi. Manisha our dance teacher was very impressed with how all of the children picked up the different moves so quickly.  We have a class full of amazing little dancers. This type of dancing is called Bhangra and the song that we danced to was called Mauja Mauja. Manisha also showed us how to tell stories with our hands. Ask the children to show you at home.

Image of Mini Paleontologists

Mini Paleontologists

The Ducklings are enjoying being dinosaur experts. They have been discovering fossils, digging for dinosaur bones and describing and exploring what different dinosaurs were like.

Image of Fantastic Football

Fantastic Football

The Ducklings have been practising their kicking skills in PE. They have been kicking with the inside of their feet and stopping the ball with the bottom of their feet. They have been practising aiming their kicks at targets and taking the ball for a walk around obstacles.