27 September 2019

Hawks class are currently learning about Harvest and how they can help others. They are learning about what being part of a community means and the impact they can have. They have researched the impact on foodbanks and recognise the roles of voluntary groups. They would like each phase to help donate foods so they can take donations to Fylde Foodbank.

Please help and support by bringing in an item from your phase list on Thursday 3rd October to the Wing. 

Thank you in advance for your support, this really will make a difference to those in our local area who are living in poverty.

Hawks class.


EYFS- Shampoo

KS1- Shower gel or shaving gel/cream

LKS2- Rice pudding or tinned potatoes

UKS2- Long-life fruit juice or long-life full fat milk


On Thursday 3rd October, Mrs McEvilly along with some of our children will go to the Foodbank to drop off our donations. On Tuesday 8th October is our class assembly and we will inform you of the outcomes then.

Category: Hawks

Tags: hawks pshe KS2 year5 year 6 Fylde Foodbank


Nathaniel Merricks    5 October 2019

I brought in a carton of apple juice I hope someone enjoys drinking it .

Annie   7 October 2019

I went to the Fylde Foodbank with Care and George and we learnt how the people who work there organise the food.

Annie   7 October 2019

I meant Cara not Care!!!

Lincoln Crumblehulme   8 October 2019

I really enjoyed learning about Fylde Food Bank. I have learnt how we can help others by caring and donating food to the food bank, so that it can be given to people that are homeless.

In PE i have now learnt that putting your hand at the side of the ball when you shoot in netball you have more accuracy.

Olivia P   16 November 2019

I really enjoyed learning about Fylde food bank, and how we can other others but donating food to the food bank so they can give it to the homeless
I brought a carton of milk and I hope they enjoy it

Olivia Shaw    17 November 2019

My sister and I brought in juices and shower gel.

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