What a Week!!!
16 September 2018
We have had such an exciting first, full week back at school. Mrs Noctor, Mrs Rogers and I have been so impressed with how everyone has settled in to our new Owls' Class. We have had a busy week with lots of wonderful learning opportunities.
The children thoroughly enjoyed swimming and are looking forward to doing this every Monday afternoon running up to Christmas. We have also been involved in Active Maths carousel outside with the exciting opportunity for Year 4 children to continue learning the flute and Year 3's starting the Ukulele with Mr Cooper. We have been reading Mr Stink everyday and the children are enjoying having their fruit and milk whilst listening to their class novel every morning after break.
The children have also settled in to their new routine really well. They are thoroughly enjoying morning maths and getting to grips with place value. In English we have enjoyed learning about explanation texts and the children are becoming familiar with the features of these as well as plotting their own explanation texts on a flow chart.
We have another exciting week ahead and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!!
Mrs Harding
Category: Owls