Homework w/c 27.1.17                                                           Due in 1.2.17

Maths Homework


Spring and Summer


Find the fractions of amounts below:

1)     ¼ of 252 =

2)     ¾ of 224 =

3)    ¾ of 528 =

Multiply the following fraction by the whole number:

4)     ¾ x 8 =

Autumn and Winter


Find the fractions of amounts below: written (These fractions cannot be written properly so children have this written correctly in paper form).

1)     2/8 of 520 =

2)     4/5 of 725 =

Multiply the following fraction by the whole number:

3)     6/8 x 7 =

4)     8/9 x 9 =

Reading Homework

Y5 LO: To learn the verse spoken by Reepicheep in ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’.

Where sky and water meet,

Where the waves grow sweet,

Doubt not, Reepicheep,

To find all you seek,

There is the utter East.

Y6 LO: To complete part one of the reading practice paper. (Handed out)

Literacy Homework

LO: To write a diary entry in the character of either Lucy, Edmund, Caspian, Reepicheep or Eustace about the adventure and your feelings. 


Spellings - Tested on 3.2.17



1)      evil

2)     pupil

3)     until

4)     Brazil

5)     fossil

6)     pencil

7)     lentil

8)     gerbil

9)     nostril

10)    stencil




1)      adventurous

2)     carnivorous

3)     coniferous

4)     conspicuous

5)     dangerous

6)     famous

7)     generous

8)     herbivorous

9)     joyous

10)    marvellous




1)      hydrate

2)     hydration

3)     hydrated

4)     dehydrated

5)     dehydration

6)     incriminate

7)     incriminated

8)     investigate

9)     investigation

10)    investigated




1)      siege

2)     shriek

3)     yield

4)     ought

5)     bought

6)     thought

7)     nought

8)     brought

9)     fought

10)    rough


Spelling Bee


1)     caribou

2)     etiquette

3)     gourmet

4)     hippopotamus

5)     hyperbole

Posted by Miss Deane on 27 January 2017

Category: Hawks