We are the Ducklings!


Mrs Catterall teaches the Yellow Ducklings and Miss Lees teaches the Brown Ducklings.

Mrs Davis and Mrs Stock teach in both classes when the teachers have their time out of class for planning, preparation and assessment.

 Miss Watmough, Mrs Richardson, Mrs Strickland and Miss Wilson are our lovely Learning Support Assistants. 

 Mrs Donnelly is one of our SEND Support Assistants.


Our mini topics for the Spring Term will be Winter and Spring Seasonal changes, Once Upon a Time (Traditional Tales) and Out of this World, along with seasonal and special celebrations such as Chinese New Year, Holi and Easter, as well as other class child-led interests.  


Our P.E. day will be will be on Friday each week and the children will leave their P.E kits in school.  We will continue to get dressed for P.E. at school as this is a valuable part of their physical and personal and social development and learning.

Once settled in, the children will each bring home a 'choosy' book from our school library, to share with you at home.  They can return it to school and change it as often as they wish.  We will also be introducing our class book swap basket. The children can bring in a book from home that they no longer want and swap it for a new book. We hope that his will encourage them to develop and widen their love for reading. These will be additional books to their school reading books.

We will use our class story on ClassDojo to keep you informed of our most current learning and news each week.  Our weekly 'homework' activities and suggestions of how you can further support learning will be found here too.


Look below for important and useful information which will be added to throughout the year.   

Communication, Language and Literacy in the Ducklings

Time to Talk

Take One Book

Reading at Home


Letters and sounds Leaflet

Learning to read and write

Our Cursive Handwriting Style

Meet the Oxford Reading Tree Characters

Fine Motor Skills Development Activities and Information

Here is some information, as well as ideas and activities, to help support your child's fine motor development.

40 Fine Motor Skills Activities

Busy Finger Box

Fine Motor Activities

Busy Bodies

Dough Disco for Parents/Carers

Funky Fingers Booklet

Fine Motor Skills Information

Phonics and Reading

Here are some useful, informative videos about phonics to help you.



Time to Talk

Take One Book


Letters and sounds Leaflet

How we write our cursive letters

Meet the Teacher Information

Editable WOW moment slips for parents and carers

These slips are for you to complete and send in or email to your child's class teacher when your child makes a special achievement at home. Thank you.

Parent/Carer WOW moment slips

WOW Moments

Reception Baseline Assessment Information for Parents


A Parents/Carers guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

This is a guide for how we teach and learn in the early years, written especially for parents and carers.







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