Letter of the week P
28 March 2023
Little Chicks are learning the letter of the week P they found objects beginning with P they wrote the letter P in the air, they learnt the P jolly song and wrote P on their white boards following Captain Seasalt on treasure island P.
Words Little Chicks knew began with the letter P.
Sophie “Peppa pig.”
Elizabeth “Ponytail.”
William “Peter”
Hugh “Pinocchio.”
Aurelia “Peppa pig.”
Beatrice “Princess”
William “Pikachu.”
Elizabeth “Perfume”
Felicity “Pose”
Georgia “Pennies”
Hugh “Piranha”
follow the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUs5T02AB-I to learn jolly p song.
follow the link https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=capatain+seasalt+letter+p&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari&safe=active&surl=1 to learn letter P
Category: Little Chicks
Tags: writing ICT Singing Letter of the week