Image of Parrots Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back to school this week Parrots Class; we have been very busy learning about money, computing and writing headlines!

In Maths, we have started to look at the value of coins; how much each coin represents and how we can make small amounts using different coins. We had lots of fun making amounts with money and using our purses. We have all got out own purse to earn reward coins ready for Mrs Davis' Christmas shop opening. Please keep up the practice at home! We have looked at which amounts are greater than/less than and we have ordered different coins from smallest to largest. It was great to use part-part whole again too!


In English, we are learning how to write newspaper articles. We had a crime scene in the classroom on Tuesday- 3 little pigs houses were blown down! We had to come up with short, snappy headlines for our newspapers. We also enjoyed hot seating characters from the Great Fire of London. We thought about what they might say about the fire. This then helped us to write inside speech bubbles preparing for our witness comments!


In Art we have been painting using fire colours and creating a picture with gradient. We have also cut out a silhouette of London's skyline! We had a go at typing up who we would like to thank in our family. We had to remember, capital letters, full stops, spaces and then how to save work.


Well done to our Mathematician of the half term; Teddy Hodgin for always pushing himself whenever taking part in Maths

Writer of the half term; Lucie Goulding for using adjectives in her diary about the Great Fire of London

Reader of the half term; Ollie Hanson Brazil for using great inference skills when reading a text.


Please keep up the hard work at home; IDL, TTRS, Numbots and also make sure you practice your spellings weekly. Nativity words will be coming home soon so please also practice these.

Happy Weekend

Posted by Mrs Davis on 13 November 2021

Category: Parrots


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