Image of Planting Trees

This afternoon Little Chicks and some older children planted trees at the front and side of school. The Little Chicks were partnered with an older child and each group planted a tree. They were using a planting method called split planting. They had to push the spade into the earth, wiggle it backwards and forwards until the earth started to lift and then lift the earth up. Each tree was protected by a plastic sleeve and placed in the hole, which was then filled back in carefully and a cane added to support the tree.

The children worked beautifully together with the older children directing the little ones and working together to complete the task. We will water the trees when we get any warm, dry spells of weather. It will be interesting to see how tall the trees and children grow by the end of their Carleton Green journey.

To see more pictures, please click on the link:

Posted by Mrs Stock on 18 March 2020


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