Parrots' Pepsi Tower....
6 January 2018
Parrots have enjoyed the start of term, learning about the work of local artist, Alistair Parker. As their art work focus they voted to study one of his pieces called 'Pepsi Tower''. The photographs show the children doing collage, which was the technique we used to create our own 'Pepsi Tower'. Alistair came to speak to us about his work, and the children were able to ask him lots of questions.
Parrots 6.1.18
Category: Parrots
Kerry Brennan 14 January 2018
Oscar has really enjoyed meeting Alistair Parker and telling us all about his work. He thinks we should buy a piece of his art and has told me to google him, but, the pieces are very expensive apparently! He especially liked the Blackpool rock picture.