Hawks Homework 24.2.17
Homework w/c 24.2.17 Due in 1.3.17
Maths Homework
Spring and Summer
Use written methods to answer the arithmetic calculations below:
1) 166.7 – 146.8 = 5) 2.8 x 1000 =
2) 34 x 8 = 6) 10% of 450 =
3) 235 ÷ 6 = 7) 20% of 230 =
4) 7640 ÷ 100 = 8) ½ x ¼ =
Autumn and Winter
Use written methods to answer the arithmetic calculations below:
1) 5466.8 – 583.66 = 5) 34 ÷ 1000 =
2) 562 x 43 = 6) 20% of 342 =
3) 4534 ÷ 9 = 7) 45% of 240 =
4) 654.22 x 1000 = 8) 5/8 ÷ 5 =
Science Homework for the next 5 weeks
What is the most unusual creature that exists on Earth?
Research a variety of unusual creatures then produce a fact file of your favourite or the most unusual- you must be able to justify your choice with reasons why you chose it.
The fact file should describe where the animal can be found, its appearance (e.g. how it moves, body shape, any special features), what environment it is found in, how it survives in its environment plus any additional ‘strange facts’.
You decide how to present your fact file but it must not be larger than A3.
During week 6s lesson we will be sharing the fact files and voting on the most unusual species, the most creatively presented fact file and the most informative fact file.
Writing Homework (Due in 27.2.17)
LO: To list both sides of an argument.
Talk with your parents, big brothers/sisters and grandparents. (Any adults at home will do).
Ask their opinion about the following discussion focus:
‘All endangered animals should be raised in captivity to avoid extinction’.
Discuss this question with as many grown-ups as you can. Ask them their point of view and the reasons for their opinion then make a list of arguments for and against raising all endangered animals in zoos.
For Against
(Complete this in your homework books)
Reading Homework
Y5: Read a chapter of your home reader and note any unfamiliar words.
Y6: Complete the short reading paper.
Spellings Tested on 3.3.17
1) married
2) replied
3) tried
4) studied
5) hurried
6) carrier
7) copier
8) happier
9) angrier
10) busier
1) migration
2) motion
3) notion
4) option
5) population
6) potion
7) ration
8) reception
9) reflection
10) solution
1) discussion
2) discomfort
3) disgusting
4) distracted
5) discretely
6) disturbing
7) discovery
8) dissolves
9) dismount
10) distress
1) device
2) devise
3) practice
4) practise
5) prophecy
6) prophesy
7) licence
8) license
9) father
10) farther
Spelling Bee
1) mosquito
2) inquisition
3) cantankerous
4) eloquence
5) homonym
Posted by Miss Deane on 25 February 2017
Category: Hawks