Homework w/c 13.1.17                                                    Due in 18.1.17

Maths Homework

Spring and Summer

1)    467.78 + 543.77 =

2)    864.33 – 654.56 =

3)    765 ÷ 6 =

4)    247 x 9 =

Autumn and Winter

1)    6548.7 + 5655.9 =

2)    8453.6 – 4639.22 =

3)    267 x 23 =

4)    548 ÷ 26 =

Reading Homework

LO: To learn the poem ‘Don’t Say Said’ to recite in class.  

Literacy Homework

LO: To use the notes that you researched this week to create a biography or information page about C. S. Lewis.

If you need more information go to the following webpage:


If computers are not available at home, further research can be done at break and lunch on school days.


Spellings 13.1.17                                        Tested on 20.1.17



1) bagel

2) camel

3) cruel

4) hazel

5) jewel

6) label

7) panel

8) tinsel

9) travel

10) vowel




1) adventure

2) texture

3) archer

4) butcher

5) richer

6) stretcher

7) teacher

8) voucher

9) fusion

10) vision




1) misgovern

2) governance

3) guarantee

4) guaranteed

5) harass

6) harassed

7) harassment

8) hindrance

9) identity

10) immediate




1) employee

2) referee

3) preference

4) co-own

5) co-operate

6) co-ordinate

7) re-enter

8) ceiling

9) receipt

10) receive


Spelling Bee


1)     abscess

2)     benign

3)     bizarre

4)     camaraderie

5)     cataclysm


Posted by Miss Deane on 14 January 2017

Category: Hawks