W/C 26.9.16 Preview Sheet


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Next week we will be learning about:


Relative clauses:

Emily, who was very kind, helped the old lady across the road.


The subject and object in sentences:

In a sentence, the subject is the person, animal or thing doing the action and the object is the thing having something done to it. 

In the next sentence the subject is in red and the object is in blue.

The brave man entered the cave.



Words with similar meanings eg happy, ecstatic, overjoyed




Next week we will be:


·        using negative numbers in context and calculating across zero

eg What is 12 decrees below 2 degrees Celsius?

·        describing and extending number sequences

eg Continue the number sequence: 54, 62, ___, 78, ___, ___

and 6.8, 7.2, 7.6 ___, 8.4, ___, ___

·        revisiting last weeks work during starter activities



Posted by Miss Deane on 24 September 2016

Category: Hawks

Tags: hawks