Weekly news
1 February 2015
Weekly News!Week Commencing 2/2/15
Things to bring in Spare shoe boxes for our “jungle in a box” DT project.
This is what I am learning this week:
English: We will continue our focus on Roald Dahl, this week we will be mainly focusing on some of his characters. We will read and describe a few different characters and the look at how to write a character profile about them. On Thursday we will write our own character profile on the Enormous Crocodile.
Maths: We are going to continue to focus on multiplication for the first half of the week and move onto division later on. We will be looking at how multiplication is the inverse of division (and vice-versa).
Topic: This week our science focus is animals and people of the jungle.
Luca and Josh
P.E is on Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has a full school P.E kit in school and earrings are removed or covered.
Snack – We provide the children with the choice of a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable everyday, children are welcome to bring extra fruit or vegetables as snacks for playtime. Only fresh water is allowed to be drunk in class.
Category: Herons